Education and life skills

Attending school is a normal activity most young people are familiar with. People learn to read and write there and learn many other subjects. The children who are currently part of our Educare Programme in the morning are between 13-18 years of age and have either dropped out of the mainstream schooling system or been transferred to Joshua Project by the nearby Public School because of learning difficulties and behavioural problems. We educate and provide them with skills development opportunities so they can transfer to a trade school or do a learnership if desired. Some will attend only our schooling programme before they seek  work.

Developing  skills  is  the  process  of  facilitating  learning  through  a  set  of  structured  activities.  It is intended to equip a child or youth on the street or vulnerable child or youth at risk with new or improved strategies for dealing with the daily life on the street and/or in their community and with specific situations that they are likely to experience. Many types of skills can help a child or youth on the street or vulnerable child or youth at risk to plan and carry out responsible and healthy choices. These include; life skills, practical skills, performance skills, vocational and livelihood skills.

Life skills are defined by ‘WHO’ as ‘abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal with the demands and challenges of everyday life’ (WHO, 1993). Some of these skills include:

  • Decision making and problem solving.
  • Creative thinking and critical thinking.
  • Communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Self-awareness and empathy.
  • Coping with emotions and stress.