About Us

What is Joshua Project?

Joshua Project is a safe haven for vulnerable children and children living on the street in Jeffreys Bay since 1998. The project functions as a drop-in centre for the children where they receive love, support, education, and training.

Our name​

The name Joshua means: ‘God saves’ and serves as a constant reminder to us that God alone can save the children at risk in our community. We can only serve as a place of refuge where these children can come to receive acceptance and support in a caring environment provided by people who are passionate about kids and believe that they also should have hope for a better future.

Our project focus

Our project’s focus is to MEND vulnerable children and youth at risk, i.e.

  • M = Mentoring
  • E  = Educating
  • N = Nurturing
  • D = Discipling

Our facilities​

Today the project owns a building containing offices, classrooms, a kitchen, ministry and child care rooms, ablution facilities and a skills development  centre. Here the children daily receive food, education, spiritual care and the opportunity to develop their skills.

Daily activities at Joshua Project

  • We nurture vulnerable children and youth by providing them with physical and emotional care.
  • We educate and provide skills development opportunities to vulnerable children and youth.
  • We mentor and disciple vulnerable children and youth through various activities.

Through consistent relationships and education-based programs, we seek to help these children and youth to realize and develop their unique talents; to become healthy, responsible adults and a productive part of the work force and community; and most importantly, to discover their value as a child of God created for a specific purpose.