Educare Afternoon Programme

Every week day between 13:00 – 15:30, the Joshua Project comes ‘alive’ as the little kids race each other to see who can arrive at the building first. I have grown accustomed to their little faces, their voices filled with excitement as they ‘plop’ down their bags and reach out their little hands for a ‘high five’ or a ‘drukkie’.

Nothing is more satisfying and rewarding to see how every kid’s face lights up when after a long day at school, they are served with a snack and juice or presented with puzzles and games or a ball to play with. Each little child is so special to us and that is why we do our best using the M.E.N.D. (mentor, educate, nurture, disciple) programme to develop these little kids to lead safe, meaningful and drug-free constructive lives. Each kid participates in our programme consisting of a Bible devotion, scheduled AET (Communication and Mathematical Literacy) lessons and homework support programme. Discipling, life skills lessons, crafts, games, sport, movies, dancing and drama all form part of the programmes presented throughout the week.

Our main focus  is to create a happy, safe and trusting environment for all kids who drop-in every day at Joshua Project.

Margie Hoskins
Educare Afternoon Programme Leader