Joshua Project Greetings.
What time is it? It’s birthday time!! We praise the Lord for keeping our doors open for the past 23 years!
That calls for celebration, and we want you to be part of it.
Here are three ways in which you can partake.
- Pray with us and for us.
- Share your favourite memory of your involvement with or at Joshua Project. – Did you volunteer with us during the past 23 years, or did you attend any of our programmes or do you just have any special memory of Joshua Project? We want to know. You can either share a short video, a photo or simply just a message on our Facebook page or by means of WhatsApp to +2771 472 0844 so that we can share it too.
- We have created a crowdfunding campaign on BackaBuddy to raise funds for children who attend Joshua Project on a daily basis. We are hoping to raise R23 000.00 (€1 350) by the end of May 2021. These funds will enable us to provide nutritional meals for a month for 20 children as well as a hygiene pack for each of them for winter. These packs will include the necessary toiletries as well as a pair of new shoes. Please be so kind as to support our crowdfunding campaign by making a donation here: If you are unable to donate, please share our campaign with your friends and family.
- BONUS! Be a blessing to the children and do ALL of the above!!
We thank each and every director, volunteer and sponsor for the past 23 years and for your investment into the lives of the children who attend Joshua Project. We especially thank each and every child that was here whom we could serve, but most importantly we thank our Lord Jesus Christ who has faithfully kept our doors open.
Remember, it’s through the faithfulness of people like you that we can enjoy these celebrations. So don’t wait. Hurry over to and lend a much needed hand!