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Greetings to all our followers.
With this letter we would to share with you what is happening at the Joshua Project branches on a daily basis. Our news will be in the form of our acronym M.E.N.D (Mentor, Education, Nurture & Discipling)

Our social worker & auxiliary social worker are working hard in mentoring and counselling the children:
- One-on-one sessions : 5
- Parents counselled : 4
- Home visits : 4

Due to transportation, no home visits could be done. A visit to the rubbish dump (tip) was done to motivate the children to come to the project again.
Prayer requests
- Pray for wisdom and hearts of compassion for social workers and that the children will have courage to open up about their fears and sin.
- regular attendance of the children.
- Provision of lever arch files | Plastic sleeves | PPE (masks & sanitizer.
Education and skills development
Jeffreys Bay
Our Woodwork students are busy workingon products to sell to the public and localmarkets, we are also working on keeping astable production line for our students tolearn as they produce products that couldgenerate income for the project.
Number of children who received services:
- Morning Program: 20
- Homework support : 98
Although this month started at a low attendance level, we continuedly prayed and seek God for the children and were we grateful that they arrived early and safely for the last few days of May.
Ways you can help
Joshua Project needs help in the following areas:
- We need an AET Facilitator for Jeffreys Bay and one for Humansdorp (click here to apply)
- Homework support Volunteers (click here to apply)
- Skills development tools (games, sport equipment, gardening tools etc.) (click to learn more)
- Stationery (pens, art supplies, paper, educational games & posters) (click to learn more)
Garden news
After many hours and hard labour, our veggie garden is growing! We could harvest our first veggies and could sell it to the public.
We thank our volunteers who have invested hours of their time to get the garden to where it is now.
Meals served in May
Jeffreys Bay
- Breakfast: 210 servings
- Lunch: 210 servings
- Afternoon Snack:
- Breakfast: 210 servings
- Lunch: 210 servings
Matthew 4:4 ‘ Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
The team is always ready to serve and are the below pics proof of fulfilled days as the kids are always happy and committed to the tasks when at the project.
Please continue to pray with us for the approval of plans for Humansdorp Development. Please pray with us for the Lord’s provision for our operational expenses. Pray for the salvation of the children.
Plans for June / July:
- Oasis FM radio visit on 6 June to talk about Child Protection Week.
- Planning for a outing (Hike at the Kabeljouws reserve park) in the 8th July.
- Holiday Program is planned for 12 – 16 July
If you would like to support us in any way, kindly contact our project managers:
Jeffreys Bay: Lunga Mlangeni 078 820 5341
Humansdorp: Angie Baartman 083 982 9486